Edição 51

Jacob Aue Sobol

Sabine has put on lipstick, high heels and a polka-dot dress. It’s the christening of her sister’s first baby. “Peqqeraava? Am I beautiful?” Sabine asks. She lifts her skirt up revealing her star panties and a pair of laddered tights. Iorunaraalid. You’re wonderful, I reply, grab hold of her and start to dance.I’ve often watched Sabine dance at the village hall without wanting to join in. But now that were alone in her uncle’s house I surrender to both the dance and Sabine. We dance across tables, chairs and mattresses. Wilder and wilder. Through the open window we can hear the church bells chime but Sabine insists: Aamma, aamma, qilinnermud ilinniardiiatsiikkid. More, more. Let me teach you how to dance!

[Foto e texto: Jacob Aue Sobol. GREENLAND. Tiniteqilaaq. 2001. Greenlandic Sabine MAQE.]

Dos Colaboradores:

Daniela Mendes, Mal Secreto
Gerusa Leal, Photoshop
Lúcia Bettencourt, Mamãe não pode saber
Nereu Afonso, [comédia da angústia em frase única]
Wesley Peres, Carta De Um Romano Albino Ao Pai [pingos caindo nos seus devidos iiiis]


Jorge Barbosa, Barra Circular